Before the Virtual Event

Download Zoom

If you have not already downloaded Zoom, visit the Download Center to download the Zoom client before the virtual event.

Update to the Latest Version

We encourage you to upgrade to the latest available version of Zoom for new features and bug fixes. You can update your Zoom Desktop Client online here.

Test Your Audio & Video

We highly recommend making sure your audio and video are set up and functioning properly in advance of the virtual event.

Please use the following links to access Zoom Support tutorials and directions on how to complete this test and set-up:

Joining the Virtual Event

You can access your Zoom link in the event calendar hold from the event host, you may also receive an email with the Zoom link as well. The zoom link will look like*******************

Please note this link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you. 

Participating in the Virtual Event

Connect Your Audio

We suggest using your computer’s audio and microphone through Zoom. You can also choose to dial in via your phone.
Do not use both – it will cause feedback.

 Always remember to mute your mic when you’re not speaking. This prevents painful feedback.

Helpful Hints

  • To optimize bandwidth, consider closing applications not in use and disconnecting additional devices.
  • If your Internet connection becomes unstable, disable your webcam (stop video) and enable only when you need to speak.
  • If you are using the Chat feature in Zoom meeting and want to send a private message to another participant, double-click on their name in the Participant list and make sure you are not sending the message to “everyone.”

Zoom Support